Funny Picture Captions to Pass Time in Class

150+ Bored Quotes and Caption Ideas for Instagram

Cheeky Kid is a cybernaut who spends a lot of time browsing the web, grasping infinite information, and reveling in entertainment and fun.

Bored Quotes and Caption Ideas

Bored Quotes and Caption Ideas

Do you often find yourself randomly taking photos and selfies when you're bored? If your answer is yes, then you're certain to find value in this collection!

This collection lays out over a hundred and fifty captions and quotes about boredom.

Whether it's for a photo of your mundane life or for a selfie depicting your "bored to death" state of affairs, you're bound to discover a befitting caption here.

So, what are you waiting for? It's about time you do something. Because in a world as dynamic as ours, boredom is never an option!

The Best Bored Captions

  • Actually, I jade very quickly.
  • All this free time, and I utterly have no idea what to do.
  • And then I realized, it's time to do something.
  • Avoid boredom like the plague and you will never find yourself to be boring.
  • Bored of being bored because being bored is boring.
  • Both my body and mind are currently unemployed.
  • Chilling is the art of doing nothing without being bored.
  • Despite the existence of boredom, would you still want to be immortal?
  • Do right now what your future self can thank you for.
  • Doing nothing is the main point of being bored. Accept it and take pleasure in doing nothing.
  • Enslaved by my own free time.
  • Everything we do is all just a mad rush to bedtime.
  • Feeling bored? Pump your adrenaline!
  • Fifty shades of boredom.
  • Having absolutely nothing to do is torture, for I am forced to talk vis-à-vis with my own self.
  • Humans are boring!
  • I do weird crap when I'm bored.
  • I put the "king" in "slacking."
  • Is it the weekend yet?
  • It's time to have a home party, but without guests.
  • Jealous of artists because they never seem to get bored in life.
  • Kroo, kroo, kroo.
  • Literally dying of boredom.
  • Meh is the new normal.
  • No brainer, the boredom is in your head.
  • Only boring people get bored.
  • Perhaps the second worst crime in the world is boredom, while being a bore is the worst crime of all.
  • Remember that the time you enjoy wasting is never wasted time.
  • Rest and reset.
  • So I opened the curtains, then I closed them immediately after.
  • Sooner or later, you get bored and yearn for work.
  • Super busy doing nothing.
  • The art of being bored is lost.
  • The biggest battles internally happen in boredom.
  • The only thing more terrifying than a hell of torment is a hell of boredom!
  • This too shall pass.
  • Unfortunately, many people prefer to be boring than be bored.
  • Uninteresting things don't exist in our universe. Uninterested people do exist though.
  • Weekend mood!
  • When bored, just surrender yourself to the peculiar and extraordinary!
  • Who else is bored and just scrolling around here?
  • Would you rather die of passion or die of boredom?
  • You think it's boring right now? Well, it will only get worse!

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Cool Quotes About Boredom

  • A utopia cannot be a kingdom of boredom. The utopia we are currently living in, however, is boring.
  • Alone doesn't mean lonely. You just have to learn how to enjoy your own company.
  • Any place where I am not bored is a place that teaches me nothing.
  • Bored thoughts eventually come out of the mouth as frantic words.
  • Boredom, to a certain degree, is the fault of the bored.
  • Burning out is not the result of going too fast. It happens when you go too slow and get bored.
  • Disinterest and dissatisfaction can only come from a boring mind.
  • Dreariness opens up the space for new engagements.
  • Every one in a while, try to appreciate the stillness in this world full of chaos.
  • Everything is good, well, except the things that bore you.
  • Feeling bored is such a childish attitude! People should be responsible for their own enjoyment.
  • For the wise, boredom is play. For the ordinary, it's hell.
  • Humor is a serious game-changer during boring times.
  • If outside is a no-go, then inside is where you want to be.
  • If you don't try to enjoy the things around you, then you'll eventually have to pay the price, which is boredom!
  • It's no secret that boring people usually tell everything from the get-go.
  • Just like a seesaw, life goes up and down favoring either fun or boredom.
  • Kids who are both time-rich and cash-poor should never be underestimated, for they have the power to make the impossible possible.
  • Know that boredom is a grave insult to one's own self.
  • Life is for living. If dreariness finds its way to you, then you might be the problem.
  • No one can be bored while trying to create something imaginative or discover something groundbreaking.
  • Nothing is as wearisome as monotonous days.
  • One can only hear the grumbling of the soul when boredom strikes.
  • People who loathe solitude usually have low standards when it comes to choosing companions.
  • Perhaps the Garden of Eden was so boring that Adam and Eve had to eat the forbidden fruit just to escape it.
  • Quiet doesn't mean boring!
  • Rare as they may be, people who enjoy their own company exists. Blessed are they, for they shall never be bored.
  • The decision to do whatever you want to do with the time given to you have lies in your hands.
  • There is absolutely no excuse for boredom to exist in a world that is as fascinating as ours.
  • There is nothing quite like listening to upbeat music on a gloriously dreary day just to make sure you don't fall into the pitfall of boredom.
  • Time is a tempest, and we are all trapped and lost in it.
  • Usually, people who get trap in the whirlpool of boredom are bored with their own selves.
  • Without boredom, there would be no creativity.
  • You just need to let the dreary little things to suddenly thrill you. It takes a bit of time, but it's all worth the wait.

Humorous and Witty Bored Captions

  • A clever person is never bored, and a bored person is never clever.
  • Animals can be under-stimulated, but hardly bored.
  • Are you as bored as I am? Read that again, but backwards, and it will still make sense.
  • Are you telling me that nothing is impossible? For the record, I do nothing every day.
  • Boredom is my roommate, and it is hogging the pillows and bed sheets.
  • Call me the chairman of the bored.
  • Do you hear that? It's the sound of me dying of boredom.
  • Don't disturb! I'm talking to myself.
  • Don't give up on your dreams. Keep sleeping.
  • Even my comfort zone is fitting a little too snug these days.
  • He who wakes up too early, risks unleashing yawns for the rest of the day.
  • Hey stomach, you're not hungry. You're just bored!
  • How can one be bored while accompanied by a multitude of annoying problems?
  • I have nothing to do. Might as well just get-to-know my family.
  • I probably need a break from this break.
  • I swear it was Friday like five minutes ago.
  • I'm not hungry, but I'm bored. Therefore, I shall eat!
  • I'm terribly bored right now. Things could get a little dangerous!
  • If everyone spent a few minutes each week on the swings at the playground, the world would be a much better place.
  • If I had access to carbs right now, I'd be much energetic.
  • If my life had a background sound right now, it would be the awkward silence of crickets sound.
  • It's never too late to go back to bed.
  • Going outside to tell some random kid that I'm him/her from the future.
  • Let's break from our orbits and head into space!
  • Me time!
  • My neck, my back, my Netflix, and my snacks.
  • Now would be a good time for a truck to hit me and send me to another world.
  • Punctuality is the virtue of the bored.
  • Should I cause some drama?
  • Someone please snatch me from this place and take me on an exciting adventure.
  • Surprisingly, I'm seldom bored when I'm alone.
  • Taking the staircase, one step at a time. Okay, two steps. Or maybe three steps. Then I'll slide down from the top with a flat cushion.
  • The cold air whispered, "come closer and I'll tell you all the secrets," but instead it blew out the fire in my soul.
  • Today's forecast: Lazy with a chance of Netflix.
  • We all have a favorite eyebrow.
  • Well, I'm bored again. Time to open the fridge.
  • When I get bored, I get in trouble.
  • WIP doesn't mean "work in progress." It means "work indefinitely postponed."
  • Yawning is the body's way of saying "low battery."

Bored Captions for Selfies

  • Am I bored or am I not just paying attention?
  • Am I really bored, or just lonely?
  • And the adventure inside my home begins.
  • Boredom, I refuse to be bored!
  • Bye, inspiration! So long, motivation!
  • Distract me, please.
  • Doing nothing not feeling guilty about it.
  • Earth is nothing more than a rotating ball of boredom.
  • Energy conservation mode.
  • Excruciatingly dull.
  • Exploring every corner of the house.
  • For me, food cures everything. Especially boredom!
  • Here in a place where the plot never thickens.
  • Hmm...I'm quite not sure what's really worth my energy today.
  • I have some free time! Aaaaand it's gone.
  • I'm bored in the house, and I'm in the house bored.
  • I'm going back to bed.
  • I've got that Sunday morning vibes.
  • If I'm going to be bored, I might as well be thorough.
  • Licensed napper.
  • Magic in the mind, no matter what potency, can take you to places you've never imagined.
  • Mood: "Disappointed, But Not Surprised."
  • My whole being, engulfed.
  • Nope, today is definitely not my day.
  • Not thinking about anything.
  • Oh, would you look at the time!
  • Okay, I'll just clean my room.
  • Quality time with my imaginary friends.
  • So much energy, but why do I feel tired?
  • Sometimes, I pretend to be normal. But then it gets boring, so I return to being me.
  • Stuck in that awkward period between my exciting adventures.
  • The primary source of boredom is ignorance and lack of imagination.
  • Today is cancelled.
  • Too bored to do zilch, too lazy to do whatever.
  • Too young to be bored with life.
  • Usually, boredom evades me mainly because there isn't enough time in the day for me.
  • Watching my food heating in the microwave.
  • What a nice day to do absolutely nothing.
  • When bored, do something productive.
  • Where's my bed? I need to get back soon.
  • You either wrestle with boredom, or you become a part of it.

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