Can You Really Trust Negative Reviews on Amazon

Research suggests that people heed negative reviews more positive ones — despite their questionable credibility.

Credit... Fran Caballero

The Great Wall of People's republic of china has more than than ix,000 Google reviews, with an average of four.2 stars. Not bad for one of the most astonishing achievements in human history.

But y'all can't please everyone.

"Not very tall. Or large. Just sayin. I kinda liked it. Sort of," wrote ane clashing visitor of the structure, which stretches thousands of miles . Some other complained, "I don't see the hype in this place information technology's really run down and old … why wouldn't you update something similar this? No USB plug ins or outlets anywhere." Someone else appear that he'south "Non a wall guy. Laaaaaaaaammme."

Even Shakespeare tin't escape the wrath of consumer contemptuousness. One reviewer on Amazon awarded Village merely two stars: "Whoever said Shakespeare was a genius lied. Unless genius is simply code word for dull, and so they're spot on. Watch the picture version and so you only waste two hours versus 20."

Information technology's no wonder why we live and buy by online reviews: The Washington Post recently reported that a 3rd of American adults utilise a reckoner or phone to buy something at to the lowest degree in one case a week — "about equally often as we take out the trash." Last Dec, 75 pct of Americans said they would do "most of their holiday shopping on Amazon," co-ordinate to CNBC's "All-America Economical Survey."

We use reviews to vet our options. In 2016, the Pew Enquiry Center establish that 82 percentage of American adults say they sometimes or always read online reviews for new purchases. And more than ii-thirds of regular review readers believe that they're "mostly accurate."

Marketing data indicates that negative reviews in item dramatically influence our buying behaviors. But research on the biases and demographics of online reviewers — and our own, often errant interpretations — suggests that our faith in reviews is misguided.

There are many more positive reviews online than there are negative ones, studies evidence, which creates a scarcity of negative reviews that we associate with value.

For example: In a data sample from Amazon, just 4.eight pct of reviews with a verified purchase were rated one star, whereas 59 percentage had 5 stars, according to a study published in 2014 by The Periodical of Marketing Research and led by Duncan Simester, a marketing professor at the Yard.I.T. Sloan Schoolhouse of Management.

"The infrequent nature of negative reviews may help to distinguish them from other reviews," Dr. Simester wrote in an electronic mail. Nosotros consequently pay more attention to them.

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We likewise call up of negative reviews as windows into what could get wrong. Is this camera's memory card going to become kaput in the middle of my honeymoon? Are these socks scratchy? Dr. Simester pointed out that people may see negative reviews equally more informative, and therefore more than valuable, than positive ones because they highlight defects — even if they're non really more accurate.

"We want to feel secure in our decision-making processes," said Lauren Dragan, who analyzes consumer feedback as the audio tech products reviewer at Wirecutter, a New York Times company that reviews and recommends products. We use negative reviews to understand our risk and reduce our losses, studies show.

Plus, after reports that v-star reviews are frequently fake, people may depend on negative reviews more positive ones considering they run into them as more than trustworthy.

The credibility of all reviews — even existent ones — is questionable. A 2016 study published in The Periodical of Consumer Research looked at whether online reviews reflected objective quality equally rated by Consumer Reports. The researchers constitute very little correlation.


Reviews are subjective, and the tiny subset of people who leave them aren't average.

People who write online reviews are more likely to buy things in unusual sizes, brand returns, be married, have more than children, be younger and less wealthy, and accept graduate degrees than the average consumer, according to Dr. Simester's 2014 study. Online reviewers are besides 50 pct more likely to store sales, and they buy iv times more products.

"Very few people write reviews. It's about 1.5 percent, or fifteen people out of 1,000," Dr. Simester said. "Should we be relying on these people if we're office of the other 985?"

What's more, reviews are oft capricious and circumstantial. For case, the sentiment of travelers' reviews hinges on their companionship. A report published last autumn in Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, looking at 125,076 online reviews, found that people traveling with significant others wrote the most positive reviews, followed past those traveling with friends or family. Reviewers traveling alone or for business were the almost negative. Our experiences change depending on our expectations, travel expertise and who nosotros're with.

People's motivations likewise taint their neutrality. Take TripAdvisor's "Super Contributors," whose reviews tend to be more than negative than those by less active members, according to a forthcoming study from Ulrike Gretzel, a communications professor at the University of Southern California and the director of research at Netnografica. Having formed identities effectually being expert travel reviewers, Super Contributors may "write more critically to announced more than professional person," Dr. Gretzel said. All the same, consumers disproportionately value and trust reviews professing expertise.

Put only, nosotros should distrust online reviews "because emotions are involved," Ms. Dragan said.

Another reason to be wary is roughly one in xv people review products they oasis't really purchased or used, co-ordinate to Dr. Simester. These "cocky-appointed brand managers" write speculative, unsolicited negative reviews to offer the company "feedback." The trouble is consumers are bad at determining which reviews are based on actual experiences and which aren't, said Dr. Simester. "Nosotros are hands fooled."

Yet, reviews can exist helpful gauges when you lot're ownership stuff — so long as yous keep in mind all the caveats effectually them.

Beginning, weed out the most polarized perspectives. People are much more likely to write reviews if they have extreme emotions near something, said Eric 1000. Clemons, who teaches information management at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School. This is why you meet and then many rave reviews and so many rancorous ones.

Even people who don't initially have strong feelings often develop them in response to survey questions — something called the mere-measurement effect.

"We are socially conditioned to give answers when someone/something asks us a question," Dr. Gretzel wrote in an email. So if we don't take a pre-existing, well-defined opinion, we make one upwards.

When yous're reading reviews, try to find ones that are closer to the median, Ms. Dragan advised. She deliberately looks at iii-star reviews commencement considering they tend to exist more moderate, detailed and honest. Unfortunately, inquiry suggests that most of us instinctively practice just the opposite: Nosotros prefer farthermost reviews considering they're less ambivalent and therefore easier to process.

Second, ask yourself: "Is this person like me? Are the problems mentioned ones I care most?" For example, Dr. Simester recently bought a pair of ski pants online. He read the reviews and most people liked them, only i guy didn't. "Information technology turned out his body shape wasn't the same equally mine," Dr. Simester said, so he disregarded the review.

Dissecting people's preferences tin be useful even if you don't agree with them. Dr. Clemons, an I.P.A. fan who uses, said, "If a Scandinavian who really likes lagers complains that a beer tastes way too hoppy, that may mean I should purchase it."

Finally, pay attention to contextual details and specific facts rather than reviewers' general impressions and ratings. The number of stars someone selects often has "very trivial to do with" their review text, Dr. Gretzel said. People have different rating standards, and written explanations are inherently more nuanced.

Focusing on the most thorough reviews may likewise protect against getting duped past fake ones. In experiments where Dr. Gretzel and her collaborators presented both real and imitation reviews, readers distinguished betwixt the 2 amend when reviews were longer.

And if you're withal non sure whether a review is fake, scan the reviewer's contour. Dr. Clemons said that "someone who'south paid to write reviews probably isn't doing a lot of writing under the aforementioned name." His ain enquiry omitted reviews from profiles containing fewer than 10 reviews, "and that took care of a lot of paid nonsense," he said.

All that said, real reviewers are commonly genuinely trying to help: Research consistently shows that people are virtually motivated past helping others make decisions.

"They experience that they have benefited from other people's reviews, then they want to give back," Dr. Gretzel said. "They think it's for the greater good."

Caroline Beaton is a freelance author and producer who sends a monthly newsletter virtually science and society. Sign up to receive information technology here .


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